[fair allocation] [log]

社会選択とゲーム理論による政治経済分析 (学部演習)



香川大学経済学部 2003年度
社会選択とゲーム理論による政治経済分析 (Social Choice and Game Theory Approaches to Political Economy)
三原麗珠 (香川大学経済学部)
4単位 第1, 2学期 火曜4・5時限目(1440--1750の一部)場所 三原オフィス

合理選択政治理論 (実証政治理論・新制度論) はミクロ経済学に見られるような分析的モデルにより政治現象を説明しようとする.説明の際,ルールなどの社会構造の制約のもとで合理的に行動しようとする個人を想定するのが特徴である.この演習では,合理選択理論でもちいられる社会選択やゲーム理論の手法を深く掘り下げて検討していく.

1. 研究方法

2003年度の演習では,前期開講の三原の外書講読(社会選択)で省略した発展的話題や練習問題を中心に Austen-Smith and Banksのテキストを勉強していく.[後期は Young のテキストに変更.下に引用した「公理的方法: 資源配分の公平」のシラバスを参照.] テキスト内容の説明を主として講師が,練習問題解答の解説を学生と講師が担当する.(ふつうの演習とちがい,講義形式なので学生にとっては楽かもしれない.) 参加者全員の積極的な質問やコメントを歓迎する.問題演習のほか,主要な結果と簡単な証明の理解を重視する.補習をときどき行う.(たいていは時間延長の形で行う.)


2. テキスト

Austen-Smith and Banks の章は以下の通り. [4章までをこの演習でカバー.5章以降は大学院の実証政治理論にまわす]:

  1. Choice and Preference
  2. Power and Collective Rationality
  3. Restricting Outcomes
  4. Restricting Preferences
  5. The Spatial Model
  6. Instability and Chaos
  7. Summary and Conclusions

3. 関連授業科目

外書講読の同時履修以外に前提として要求する科目はない.しかし経済数学A, B (あるいは基礎数学B, A などの同等科目)を学ぶことによって得られるていどの抽象的・数理的思考力はあったほうがいい.理解を深めるため,集合論(教育学部)・協力ゲーム理論・非協力ゲーム理論など,できるだけフォーマルな(数理的な)科目の履修をすすめる.法学部の公共選択論や政治行動論をはじめとする政治学科目の他,ミクロ経済学や公共経済学との関連も深い.

4. 演習選考基準

あつかう予定のテキストを見せて,参加するかどうか自己判断してもらう.三原による外書講読の登録と受講とを演習参加の条件とし,競合するばあいは関連科目の履修履歴と履修計画で判断する.三原の Web ページにある教育方針1999 年度演習受講生の感想も参考になるだろう.

5. 演習単位認定方法


6. 個別演習選考基準


7. 個別演習単位認定方法


8. 卒業論文・卒業レポート・卒業研究の作成要領と単位認定方針



参考シラバス「公理的方法: 資源配分の公平」

公理的方法: 資源配分の公平 (The axiomatic method: Theory of fair allocation)
応用科目; 選択; 2年次後期; 2単位
三原麗珠 (地域マネジメント研究科 [申請中])



社会選択とゲーム理論による政治経済分析 (三原麗珠の学部演習)


●火曜の 1440-1750 に他の予定をいれないと約束できるか.
●三原の「外書講読」(金曜 5コマ目)に履修登録し受講できるか.


外書講読では,Austen-Smith and Banks のテキストをきちんと読まなくても「良」くらいはとれるようにするつもり.

演習や特別講義での教育方針 (Web から) 


This is the log of the reading class and the graduate seminar as well as of this seminar. The students attending this seminar is required to take the reading class. Just one undergraduate student chose my seminar, joined by a graduate student. In the reading class, there were two more students.

For the second semester, there were not a accompanying reading class any more. There were one undergraduate student who chose my seminar, another undergraduate student who joined the seminar on a non-credit basis in October, and a graduate student.

4/11/03 Reading 1

-Web シラバス
-永谷裕昭. 経済数学. 有斐閣, 1998, pp. 1-3, pp. 23-37
 (第1章1節, 経済学と数学; 第2章1節, 集合, 関数, 直積; 第2章2節, 合成関数と逆関数). 
-三原麗珠. 権利論への数理的アプローチ: レクチャーノート, 1999, pp. 11-23 [ページを変更した].
-和田淳一郎. 「投票と選挙」をゲーム理論で解く. (中山幹夫, 武藤滋夫, 船木由喜彦(編). ゲーム理論で解く, 7章). 有斐閣, 2000.
-Lecture notes pages 1-8.

-The text (Austen-Smith and Banks) is available at the COOP store.
-A student who will have skipped a class should contact the instructor as soon as possible.

Lecture: 6 students attended, including a grad student. 1620-1750.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks): Preface.  Pages xi-xv.  Notes pages 1-4.

4/15/03 Seminar 1

Discussion: 1455-1735.  2 students attended. 
-Notes pages 1-8.
I think the class is going well.

Discussion with the grad student 1740-1855.

4/18/03 Reading 2

Lecture: 1620-1750, 1810-1900.
-4 students attended (5 in the first period).
They are from grad school, economics department, 
business administration, and regional system.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  Chapter 1, 1.1.  Pages 1-6.  Notes 5-8.
-For the second period: Notes on set theory
 [三原麗珠. 権利論への数理的アプローチ: レクチャーノート, 1999] pages 11-16. 
 -1910-2010: Discussion with the grad student.

4/22/03 Seminar 2

Discussion: 1450-1800.  2 students attended.
-Notes 9-15.

Discussion with the grad student: 1810-1940.

4/25/03 Reading 3

Check students' phone numbers.

Lecture: 1620-1750, 1810-1930.  At Mihara's office, starting from today.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  Chapter 1, 1.2-1.3.  Pages 6-12.  Notes 9-15.
-For the second period: Notes on set theory
 [三原麗珠. 権利論への数理的アプローチ: レクチャーノート, 1999] pages 16-23.
 Discussion with the grad student: 1950-2120.  Notes up to page 15 completed.

5/02/03 Reading 4

Lecture: 1620-1750, 1810-1940.  At Mihara's office.
A new student attended but decided to drop the course after attending a sesseion.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  Chapter 1, 1.4-1.6.  Pages 12-21.  Notes 15-19.
-For the second period (TM absent): Notes on set theory
 [三原麗珠. 権利論への数理的アプローチ: レクチャーノート, 1999] 
 Exercises in page 17 and 21.
 Discussion with the grad student: 1945-2050.  Some proofs in Section 1.4.

5/6/03 Seminar 3

Discussion: 1500-1725.
-Notes 15-19.  Discussed the Exercises that was not covered in the reading class.
Some of them were cumbersome, though not difficult.
Theorem 1.3 last paragaph: Without loss of generality, better to assume $x\in M(R_C,S)$
instead of $x\in S$.

Grad student: 1740-1900.

5/9/03 Reading 5

Lecture: 1620-1920.  TM absent.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  Chapter 2, 2.1, first part.  Pages 25-31.  Notes 20-26.
Since we were doing the examples very (like asking the students each time), 
it took a lot of time to cover this part, which introduces Arrow's Theorem.
The students strongly requested that I continue to prepare notes for the class.
They say they do not like me to teach directly from the textbook.

Grad student: 1950-2020. 
Contrary to what is stated in page 27, some dictatorial rules violate independence.
Example 2.3: Even when $n=2$, majority rule and the pareto extension rule are not really equivalent.

5/13/03 Seminar 4

Discussion: 1440-1720.
-Notes 20-26, 26-32.
-The proof of Lemma 2.1 would be easier to understand if we say at the outset
when introducing new profiles that they are defined so that their restriction to a certain set
is the same as the restriction of another prfile to the same set.
-In Lemma 2.1, depending on whether $v$, $w$ are in the set $\{x, y\}$, there are 7 cases to prove.
-The proof of Arrow's Theorem is slightly insufficient to the novice.  We filled the missing steps.

Grad student: 1720-1900.

5/16/03 Reading 6

Lecture: 1620-1810.  YM absent (already received instruction at Seminar 4), TS left at 1710.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  Chapter 2, 2.1 second part.  Pages 31-38.  Notes 26-32.
After TS left, instead of going to the next section, we deiscussed in English 
the proof of Lemma 2.1, which is a basis for Arrow's Theorem.
A student who has been abroad said that my English was easier to follow than Japanese.
I spoke more carefully in English, partly because of the audience.

Graduate student: 1835-2000.  Notes 33 (Section 2.2, pages 38-39) and other details.
The application on choosing a representative is interesting, but the "only if" part of Theorem 2.2
does not hold; the "if" part is immediate from the definitions.

5/20/03 Seminar 5: Cancelled

5/23/03 Reading 7

Lecture: 1630-1800, 1815-1910.  TS absent (an extra class was given the following week).
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  Chapter 2, 2.3-2.4.  Pages 39-49.  Notes 34-41.

The dicussion about the pre-1965 voting rule of UNSC (such as its acyclicity)
was particularly interesting.

A student had some confusion about the definition of neutrality.  
The two colaitions completely describes the profile restricted to $\{x,y\}$,
since exactly one of the following is true: i prefers x to y; i prefers y to x; i is indifferent between x and y.

Graduate student: 1930-2020.  Picked up some proofs.

5/27/03 Seminar 6

Discussion: 1440-1610, 1620-1750.
-Notes 34-41, 42-46.
The Proof of Theorem 2.6 (P5) was touched on.  Considering the case with three altenatives
and the case with four alternatives is enough.
The proof of Theorem 2.8 was dicussed in details.

Graduate student: 1750-1830.  We must complete the proof of lemma 2.3.
[The problem was resolved later: 
we can give an explicit definition of profile $\roh$ by induction, using a utility representation.]

TS: 1830-2110.  What we did in Reading 7.  He said the proof of Theorem 2.7 (2) was the
most straightforward proof this day.

5/30/03 Reading 8

Lecture: 1620-1750.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  2.5.  Pages 49-52.  Notes 42-46.

Graduate student: 1540-1620.  Notes 38a.  Remarks on the proof of Lemma 2.3.

6/3/03 Seminar 7

Discussion: 1500-1555.
Chat on Chapter 3.

Graduate student: 1555-1730.  Proof of Theorem 2.6.

6/6/03 Reading 9

Lecture: 1620-1750.  TM absent (an extra class given the following Tuesday)
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  3.1.  Pages 57-63.  Notes 47-52.
Graduate student: 1805-1930.  Proof of Theorem 3.1.  
It would be hard to understand the proof without drawing figures.
Typo: page 61, line 13.  replace "iff" by "if".

Ten students have registered for this reading course, it has been reported lately.

6/10/03 Seminar 8

Discussion: 1440-1700.
Notes 47-52, 53-55 (up to the statement of Theorem 3.2)

Graduate student: 1720-1815.
-Proof of Lemma 3.2.
TM: 1830-2000.  Notes 47-52.

6/13/03 Reading 10

Lecture: 1440-1810.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  3.2-3.3.  Pages 63-71.  Notes 53-59.

6/17/03 Seminar 9

Discussion: 1450-1650.
-Proof of Theorem 3.2.  Notes 55-56.

Grad student: 1700-1800.  Some discussion on Ramseyer and Rosenbluth (1993), chapter 6.

6/20/03 Reading 11

Lecture: 1620-1830.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  3.4-3.5, up to page 79 (statement of Theorem 3.6).  Notes 59-66.

Discussion for seminar partipants: 1830-1930.
-Sketches of the proofs of Theorems 3.3 and 3.4.

Graduate student: 2020-2150.
-Above proofs in detail.

6/24/03 Seminar 10

Discussion: 1440-1730.
-Notes 66-68 (Review of 59-66 a bit).

Graduate student: 1800-1900.  Proof of Theorem 3.6.

6/27/03 Reading 12

Lecture: 1620-1740 and 1750-1915.
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  3.5 (from page 79 (statement of Theorem 3.6) to the end, page 88).
Notes 66-76. 

Graduate student: 1915-2000.  Page 85 last paragraph (notes 73). 

Comment: I could skip 3.4 and 3.5 in a short course.  
In 3.4 we learn how to generalize; in 3.5 we study how to particularize.

7/1/03 Seminar 11

Discussion: 1450-1620 and 1620-1640.
-Notes 68-76.  Mainly the proof of Theorem 3.10.
-Some talk on logic.

Graduate student: 1720-2050.
-The proof of Lemma 3.3, which is among the most difficult proofs so far.
-Proof of Theorem 3.9.  Better to ignore everything after "i.e." in the first sentence.
The assumption there does not seem to appear later in the proof.

7/4/03 Reading 13

Lecture: 1620-1850.  (One student had to leave at 1740).
-Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  4.1.  Notes 77-82.  Covered all the proofs in the notes.

7/8/03 Seminar 12

-1440-1640:  Notes 82-85, with the proof of Theorem 4.4.
-1700-1900: Exercise 1.1, presented by the grad student, 
who later gave an instruction to YM and TS individually.

7/11/03 Reading 14

1620-1820: Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  4.2-4.4.  Notes 82-89.
The seminar members will have a class covering the rest of chapter 4 during the vacation.

1820-2000: Oral exams on Exercise 1.1:
TM did not choose to take it and was satisfied with the B grade;
YM passed the oral with a nice presentation and got an A;
TS will retake the oral next Tuesday.

7/15/03 (Reading 15)

1320-1350: Graduate student: Some discussion on Sectioin 4.3.

1650-1810: Oral exams on Exercise 1.1: TS did not perform very well, but managed to pass it and got an A
after he beated me in a counting game, which I won about five times
(just to show him how to win) before giving him a final chance.

8/22/03 Seminar 13 (special session)

1440-1850: Text (Austen-Smith and Banks)  4.5-4.6.  Notes 89-99.  

1900-2200: Gradute student.  
Discussed the proofs of Theorem 4.6, Corollary 4.3, Example 4.7, Corollary 4.4 in detail.  

P. 107.  Definition 4.8 (a), (b).  To be consistent with examples later, the sets had better be expressed
as { i: xP_{\sigma(i)}y } etc. instead of {\sigma(i): xP_iy} etc.

P. 110.  In (2a) Figure 4.5(b), it may be that j_2 is to the left of i_1.
In (2b), I do not think we can show j_2=i_2=n.  In fact, just showing j_2=i_2 is sufficent for the rest of the proof.

P. 111.  min and max are taken with respect to the ordering (i_1, ..., i_n).  
Similarly, l\leq r means that l is to the left of r in the ordering.

P. 113.  Corollary 4.4.  This does not seem to be immediate.
We need to show that the core is a subset of the Pareto set.  
The argument is not difficult, but different from the one used for Corollary 4.3.

Change of the plan

We have covered first four chapters of the textbook (Austen-Smith and Banks) in this seminar. We will cover the rest of the textbook in the graduate positive political theory course instead of this seminar. This means that I have changed the plan outlined in the original syllabus. We have already covered most of social choice topics that may appear in the economic literature. So, I have decided to deal with the more advanced topics belonging to the political science literature in the different course for political theory. Original plan for that course was a strategic game approach to voting theory. But since only one student enrolled (the other has dropped already) in that course, and he is taking this seminar, this change will not cause any difficulty.

9/8/03 Seminar 14 (specal session)

Discussion: 930-1200, 1250-1540.
As a prelude to what we would study in the second semester, 
the graduate student presented the following chapters on axiomatic resource allocation:
-船木由喜彦. 「破産問題」をゲーム理論で解く. (中山幹夫, 武藤滋夫, 船木由喜彦(編). ゲーム理論で解く, 5章). 有斐閣, 2000.
-船木由喜彦.  「ただ1つの財の公平な分配」エコノミックゲームセオリー: 協力ゲームの応用. 
SGCライブラリ11. サイエンス社, 2001.  第6章.

-「破産問題」で実際に計算してチェックしているケースが比例配分になる E=300 のときがほとんどであるのは,
-「ただ1つの財の公平な分配」の 6.5のUNOS のポイント制が優先ルールではない理由が分かりにくい.
何をもってタイプ要因としているのか.たとえば A の「待ち期間」タイプ要因は6月か,1番目に待っていることか,
それとも点数10点か.それをはっきりさせる必要がある.[10/28 追加: 6月とすればいい.]
UNOS のポイント制による順序は分離可能性をみたさないことの説明も欲しかった.

10/7/03 Seminar 15

Discussion: 1440-1730.  A new student joined.
[This guy went to the Graduate School of Economics at Kobe after graduation in 2004.]
There are three students attending this seminar.
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Chapter 1, Sections 1-7.  Notes.
Nothing mathematical.  A lot of fun comments.
Since I am reading notes in English and translating them into Japanese, the class is rather slow.

10/8/03 高松市生涯学習センターでの講演 (おまけ)

香川大学生涯学習教育研究センター提供 (?)の「経済の理論的側面と現代経済」の2日目の講演 1800-2005. タイトルは「ビジネススクール予定科目『資源配分の公理的分析: 公平の理論』への招待」 (もと「戦略的投票と中位投票者」だったのを変更).

シラバスの「授業の目標・内容」を紹介し,ノートの1章 Sections 1-10 の Section 9 以外をカバー. 英語を口に出さない分,すらすらと進めることができた.

受講者数は11から13人程度.演習受講生ではなく,一般人対象.50以上と思われる年配の方が過半数.適切な教材を用意する時間がなかったので,「これは公開講座だから,大学でやっていることをできるだけそのまま再現させてもらいます.日本語で発表してノートは英語 [ただし多くの単語に訳語が載っている] というのは最悪ですけど,授業の雰囲気は分かるでしょう.あまりノートを気にしないように」と言い訳してノートを渡して,逃げました.

ノートが日本語でなかったので,聞く方は大変ではないかと予想していましたが,意外と随所でふむふむと多くのひとがうなずいていました.「子供を売ってそのお金を分けるというのも,あまり普通じゃない解決ですからねえ……」(非分割財を分割財に変換する話)などのあほな例にはにやにやとして反応していたし,まあ反応は悪くなかったです.[以下,3日目以降を担当する同僚へのアドバイスをこめて] あまり堅くやらないほうがいいでしょう.いちばん前の席に車いすの老人が座っていました.入れ歯を忘れていてもごもごと何か言いたそうだったけど,隣の賢そうなおばあちゃんに止められていました.通訳してくれるかと聞いたのだけど,たいしたことではなかったのでしょう.

授業後に出た質問としては,以下のようなものがありました.それにたいする回答は,(学問の意義を一般人に説く仕事は年配の教授にでもやってもらいたい) 自分としてはなかなかのできでした.



リマーク [11/6/03追加]: 香川大学のセンターに受講者アンケートをリクエストしたら,送ってくれた.年配の方が多いし,自分で金を払っているせいか,概して甘い評価だった.言い忘れたが,この講座は5人で各一回づつ担当した.「全体に一貫性がない」とか,「全体の構成が分かりにくい」という意見があったが,その通りだと思う.個々の講師について具体的に記述したひとは2人しかいなかった.ひとりは全員について感想を述べ,僕のは「ビジネススクールの説明で,そんなの聞きたくなかった」とあった.講義タイトルを変更したのが伝わっていなかったのも不満の原因だろう.1か月くらい前からセンターに伝えていたのだが,伝わっていなかったようだ.他の教員について,同じ人は「時間のムダだった」とか「中途半端で消化できなかった.もっと聞きたかった」などと評していた.もうひとりの記述は,僕だけを指摘して,「特に,日常的なニュースなどでも耳にしないような topic 例えば``社会資源の公平な分配'' (2回目) についてのものは興味深かった.ビジネススクールで行うようなもののとりかかしとして公開講座で行うというのもよいのではないか」とこちらは絶賛だった.まあ,経済ニュースでは出ないだろうけど,ほんとうは日常的な問題が多かったのだけどね.極端に意見が分かれるのは,僕の講義ではありがちなこと.

10/14/03 Seminar 16

Discussion: 1440-1655, 1705-1830.  
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Chapter 1, Sections 8-12.
Appendix A.1.  Notes.  This one is very abstract.

10/21/03 Seminar 17

Discussion: 1440-1730.  
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Appendix A.1 Constraints (again)
and Appendix~A.2.  Notes A-5 to A-11.

10/28/03 Seminar 18

Discussion: 1440-1630, 1640-1740. 
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Chapter 2, Sections 1-5.  Notes 2-1 to 2-6.
The definition of impartiality is easier than the one in the appendix.
Not immediately clear that the definiton of consitency is the same as the one in the appendix.

1740-1810: graduate student.
Discussed a possible thesis topic related to Chapter 2.

11/4/03 Seminar 19

Discussion: 1440-1800.
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Chapter 2, Sections 6-7.  Notes 2-7 to 2-10.
Appendix A.4.1-A.4.2.  Notes A.4-1 to A.4-5.

I think that single valuedness of an aggregation rule, not just independence is what makes Arrow's conditions demanding.

11/11/03 Seminar 20

Discussion: 1440-1640.  
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Appendix A.4.3-A.4.6.  Notes A.4-5 to A.4-10.

1800- 江戸沢でちゃんこ鍋.


Class cancelled.

11/25/03 Seminar 21

Discussion: 1440-1620, 1630-1910.  
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Appendix A.5.  Notes A.5-1 to A.5-11.
The last half of the proof of Theorem 11 does not seem to be necessary.
The proof of Theorem 12 was not transparent enough.
Figure 19 does not correspond to the standard given there.

2010-2100.  Gradute student.  Picked up skippd proofs.

プリンタ,スキャナ,MOドライバ,CD チェインジャーなどのSCSI 式周辺機器もすべて捨てた.
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12/2/03 Seminar 22

Handout: 船木由喜彦.  「男女のマッチングと家の割り当て: 貨幣のないケースのコア」
エコノミックゲームセオリー: 協力ゲームの応用. 
SGCライブラリ11. サイエンス社, 2001.  第7章.

Discussion: 1500-1715.
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Appendix A.6, up to page 202.  No notes.
(The three students are all taking a course on cooperative game theory.)

1745-1900: Graduate student.  A.6, pages 202-205, on consistency.

12/9/03 Seminar 23

Discussion: 1440-1820.  
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Appendix A.7.

1830-2000: Graduate student.  Page 208 (Lemma 1)-209.

Page 209, line 2: the boundary of B^k and B intersect. . .

12/16/03 Seminar 24

Discussion: 1440-1800.  
-Text (Young 1994, Equity: In theory and practice) Appendix A.8, except the last subsection.
Review of microeconomic theory, more or less.
Theorem 24 is similar to the proof of the second welfare theorem.
A graduate student sholuld notice that.

1810-1910: Graduate student.  A.8.5.
Theorem 25 uses the supporting hyperplane argument.

Page 216, definition of a competitive allocation.  Add a budget constraint for a_i.
The proof of Theorem 25 becomes easier if the budget constraint for b is modified to pb \leq pa_i.

1/13/04 No class

Prepare for the presentation next week.

1/20/04 Seminar 25

Discussion: 1450-1620, 1650-1900.  
-船木由喜彦.  「男女のマッチングと家の割り当て: 貨幣のないケースのコア」
エコノミックゲームセオリー: 協力ゲームの応用.  SGCライブラリ11. サイエンス社, 2001.  第7章.

The undergraduate student presented 7.1-7.3 and explained an application of the GS algorithm in 7.4.
His notes were fairly well prepared and the presentation okay; he got an A.
The graduate student presented the rest of the chapter.
The proof of the theorem in page 84 had better be presented in a way that is more easily viewable, 
with a clever use of the whiteboard.

ほかの部分は特にむずかしくない.この章を読むだけで,Roth and Satomayor 1990 の目次が

Page 81: 「支配する」の定義はペアに添字がない方が分かりやすい.
Page 81, line -8: ペアによるブロックの条件を含意.
Page 81,最後の行: ペアを通じた支配関係と提携を通じた支配関係が同値.
Page 83, line -7: m とμ(w)がwにプロポーズした時点で.
Page 84, line -11: 男性のだれかがそれ以上よくなるような安定なマッチングは存在しない.
Page 85, line 8: 添字は w.
Page 85, line -2: 当然ではない.男女数がちがっても独身状態を最悪だと仮定し続けることは可能.
Page 86下: \mu(\hat{s})という書き方は不正確で問題あり.
Page 88, line 6: R\subseteq T という条件がないとしたら,ここの条件はかなりきつい.
Page 89, paragraph -2: 説明不足.ペアでなくてサイクルをつくるというが,
Page 90, line -1: 前述のルームメイト問題で与えられた選好を非分割財市場ゲームのものと考え.

1/27/04 No class

We have already covered enough for a 4 credit course.
Good luck in the exams for other courses!

2/3/04 No class

[Up: list of courses]


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